Just about every council in Wellington County was relieved to learn that Centre Wellington had…
County gets grant for Green Legacy
TD Friends of the Environment Foundation and Tree Canada recently announced the 23 communities…
County OPP to celebrate 10 years in centenary year
The Wellington County OPP will mark its 10th anniversary at the same time the Ontario Provincial…
The Stinsons: Former teachers giving back – across Canada
Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only…
Mount Forest BIA representatives and township preferred vendor list approved
Councillors here have approved appointments for the Mount Forest BIA. Council passed the…
OPP report: Mapleton a ‘very safe’ place to live
MaryLouise Kearns says Mapleton is “a very safe community” and “a pleasure…
City Rotary Club shares its Ribfest profits with 15 groups
Ribfest, an event that has become a Riverside Park summer tradition, is the primary fundraiser…
Crime is up slightly in Guelph-Eramosa township hears in annual OPP report
OPP calls in Guelph-Eramosa increased slightly last year, with incidents of mischief and minor…
Finnie asks about police equipment costs
It cost Wellington County taxpayers $11.5-million to operate its county OPP service…
Town hires new CBO: Hartholt calls Erin ‘perfect fit’
Andrew Hartholt is looking forward to the “new challenges” with his new position as the…
Area woman a counsellor at amputee seminar
Jessica Oughton, 20, of Belwood, is looking forward to being a junior counsellor and role…
Council upset with high animal control costs
Citing concerns with rising costs, town council has decided to renew its animal control contract…
New dentist clinic opened in Erin on May 16
Perhaps things are looking up when it comes to health care in this community. Dr. Shilin Shieh held…
Finnie appeals to ministry for enforcement of gravel pit deals
Mayor Rod Finnie has sent a letter to Minister of Natural Resources Donna Cansfield asking her to…
Ownership of Kumpville Drive causes concern for residents, council
A group of property owners on a private laneway wants council to address a “safety…