The third free self guided tour of farms and markets throughout Guelph and Wellington County…
Lourdes chooses Natyncyzk for National Leadership Award
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic High School has picked General Walter Natynczyk, Chief of…
Students promote biodiversity
The da Vinci Arts & Science Environmental Leadership Program 2010 has completed a project…
Minto asks county to rethink composting decision
Councillors here are again asking Wellington County to offer composting alternatives for its…
Fergus-Elora Rotary announces Backyard Reno winners
The Rotary Club of Fergus-Elora held its first Backyard Reno lottery as a fund-raiser for its…
County received major grant to help pay for archives expansion
Wellington County has received major funding for its new archives. On June 12,…
Court order will allow Orica to continue to operate – for now
The Superior Court of Justice for Ontario issued an interim injunction on June…
Source water protection being prepared
The Grand River Conservation Authority is proceeding with financial assistance to…
Public open house is scheduled for safety plans for Conestogo Dam
The Grand River Conservation Authority is holding a public open house for residents of Mapleton,…
Property purchase request denied
Councillors here has denied a request by a property owner to buy a road allowance that exits…
Centre Wellington Hydro offers savings
A power savings blitz is well underway in Centre Wellington. It is a break for small…
Free math help available
The Wellington County Learning Centre here is offering a math program for students going…
North Wellington to benefit from Saugeen Investment
North Wellington Township could well benefit from recent investments in the Saugeen Community…
Public meeting leads to approval of community improvement plans
Councillors here will be proceeding with a plan to provide a financial incentive for local property…
Advertising on arena boards
Council here likes the idea of advertising on the rink boards at the PMD arena, but the subject of…