Preparations are well underway for the third annual book sale to be held by the Friends of the…
Murray McLauchlan to perform at Erin Fall Fair
Celebrate Organic Meadow’s 20th anniversary with Murray McLauchlan at the Erin Fall Fair.…
Hydro fund to cover $47,488 in sidewalk upgrades
Guelph-Eramosa council has okayed spending $47,488 of its Rockwood Hydro Reserve for sidewalk…
Reptile and photography workshops set
Get up close and personal with some of Ontario’s amazing reptilian fauna at a workshop…
Workshop to help those going through separation or divorce
Personal experience has led Nancy Payne to help others. During a recent phone interview Payne…
Puslinch Predators complete season 15-1-1
After an incredible season with 15 wins, a tie and a loss, the girls under-14 Puslinch…
Meeting minutes more than a little tardy
Suggesting minutes from Wellington North committees are a bit tardy is an…
Plant closure will cost 53 employees their jobs
Fifty-three local employees of Wiremold Canada Legrand will lose their jobs as the…
Letter to notify of water rate increase
Residents here will be getting a letter of notification prior to a water rate increase in 2010.…
Getting grants means Minto has to borrow $3-million to pay its share
There is a high cost for getting infrastructure funds – and it is going to cost this town…
Pink hair cancer fight a big success – so far
A pink hair campaign to fight breast cancer is doing very well into its final days. About a month…
WEB ONLY: EQAO tests show grade 6 students doing well in reading, writing, math
If the annual EQAO assessments are any indication, some grade 3 students in Mapleton schools are…
WEB ONLY: Township approves bi-monthly water and sewer bills, other changes
Council here set its water and sewer rates for Drayton and Moorefield some time ago, and…
Gluten-free is now an option at the Minto Farmers’ Market
When Juanita Wilkins talks about earning a little bread – she’s not kidding. Wilkins is…
Rural Romp: 23 venues taking part on tour on Sept. 26
The third free self guided tour of farms and markets throughout Guelph and Wellington County…