Wellington North councillors recently agreed to consider revamping of all its committees.…
Bring spring indoors by forcing branches and starting seeds
This winter has had an abundance of dreary snowy days. As all evidence of snow finally melts away,…
Predators are continuing to bleed farmers
Ontario farmers continue to face an overwhelming list of problems cutting profit potential,…
Options are limited when seeking Ontario grown garlic
When buying fresh fruit and vegetables, pickings are seldom more plentiful than during summer and…
Zoning change allows dog kennel
There is going to be another kennel along Highway 9 in the near future. On Oct. 21, council…
County working to prevent H1N1 pandemic
The county’s emergency services department is working with Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph…
Home sales climb to new September record
GUELPH – MLS® home sales activity in the area served by the Guelph and District…
Halloween dance to buy special vehicle
On Halloween, the Legion here will host a dance, and the proceeds will go towards the purchase of a…
Centre for the Arts gets $12,500 operating grant
Cheque presentations are usually ho-hum photo opportunities, but expect something more…
Milburn Auto gets zoning approval
Puslinch council has finally passed a zoning amendment bylaw for Milburn Auto Sales. The matter was…
Crusader’s Feast II at Sportsplex
More than a year has passed since Aelric of Blackthorn, newly elevated to baron, returned home…
Roelofsen has dominating season at Durham College
Alma native Samantha Roelofsen had a phenomenal season this year with the Durham College…
Drayton Entertainment announces many plays for 2010 season
A world premiere production, smash-hit Broadway shows, dramas, and comedies make up Drayton…
Norwell grad to receive WI scholarship
The Wellington North District Women’s Institute has announced Paige Turton is the 2009 WI…
Resident tells county council to consider warden-at-large referendum
A Puslinch Township resident told county council on Oct. 29 he thinks democracy is being cheated…