Some cattle and hog producers facing hard financial times now have extra time to repay cash…
ELECTIONS 2010: All seats now contested in Wellington North election
KENILWORTH – There is now going to be a competition for all council seats in Wellington…
Motion banning minors at licenced public events is lost at council
It looks like there may not be a quick and easy solution regarding minors at licenced public events…
Local group helping Haitians with housing
It’s often said that home is where the heart is. In Palmerston and the surrounding area,…
Revenge of the Space Pandas runs Aug. 14, 15
HARRISTON – It will be ‘panda-monium’ on stage when the Grey Wellington Theatre…
Dance students called for Nutcracker auditions
GUELPH – Live at the Hippo Pool Events is offering an opportunity for young local…
County plowing match returns to village after 58 years
It’s been a while. The Wellington County Plowing Match is returning to the Hillsburgh…
Riverview Stables hosting barrel racing Aug. 21, 22
Riverview Stable is hosting OBRA (Ontario Barrel Racing Association) show and a National…
Rotary Club holds appreciation night
CLIFFORD – President John Caesar welcomed over 60 volunteers to the Clifford &…
Minto economic development efforts showing fruits of labour
Downtown revitalization has been a major focus over the last several years here – and now…
County OPP shows many fatalities occur here in last half of year
Police are reminding residents that road safety is high on the agenda in the business plan for the…
Arthur firefighters well represented at annual convention
BLYTH – The Arthur Area Fire Fighters attended the 109th FFAO (Fire Fighters Association…
More candidates in Wellington North Race
The list keeps growing. As the Oct. 25, municipal elections near, the list of local candidates…
30th Terry Fox Run set for Sept. 19 in Drayton
It’s hard to believe it was 30 years ago when Terry Fox dipped his artificial leg into the…
Township races shaping up as more candidates announcing intent
With the municipal election only a few months away, there are now some races shaping up…