Thanks to A donation from the Equine Foundation of Canada, the Ontario Veterinary College will be…
Spring cleaning includes working with horses
The summer show circuit is just around the corner. Hacking trails and outdoor rings will soon be…
Garden wildflower photo workshop
Soon the peonies and irises will be blooming, and some people may wish they knew how to photograph…
Muscaras nice gesture benefits education program
Joe Muscara Jr. believes in giving back to the grass roots of the horse industry. For a second…
Township council gives approval to fire dispatch changes
The Centre Wellington council committee of the whole gave the township fire department permission…
New paint material helps to slow barn fires
Greenwalk Solutions, an environmental product based company owned by Laurie Aditajs, in Rockwood,…
Movement on ambulance
There might be changes coming to ambulance service in Guelph and Wellington. City council has…
EquiMania: something to talk about at Can-Am
A crowd of nearly 20,000 gathered once again for the Can-Am All Breeds Equine Emporium here in…
Infrastructure spending means 6.3 per cent property tax increase
Local taxes will rise 6.3 per cent this year as council approved a budget on April 12 that will see…
Police Service Board has now moved into new OPP office in Aboyne
The Wellington County Police Services Board and Wellington County officials have now completed…
Women in Crisis launches new website
Guelph-Wellington Women in Crisis officially launched their new website, a resource for individuals…
Farmers Market thank you
The Elora Farmers’ Market vendors wish to thank our customers for supporting us in our first…
Community Easter Egg Hunt April 23
The Wellington County Museum and Archives is proud to partner with the Elora Co-op Preschool to…
Love of horses drives teens to excellence
They spend a lot of time at the horse barn, the arenas and rolling hills at Travis Hall Equestrian…
Ronniejo Hanover recovering well after dramatic rescue – by fire department
Retired racehorse Ronniejo Hanover made headlines this winter when she survived an icy plunge into…