The Wellington Catholic District School Board has passed its budget for the 2011-12 and it…
Arboretum offers Wednesday nature walks for $2
The Arboretum at the University of Guelph is offering walks until Aug. 31 on Wednesday…
Wind energy group touting economic benefits of wind farms
Citing the financial befits of industrial wind farms, officials with the Canadian Wind Energy…
Councillors grant themselves pay increase
Guelph-Eramosa councillors have given themselves a 2.5% raise this year. As described in a new…
Police offer boating safety tips
With the arrival of warm summer weather and schools completed for another year, many families will…
County gives Public Health right to rent-to-build
It took a special meeting of county council on Sept. 7 to help Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public…
County includes extension of Garafraxa Street in plan for museum lands
Despite being told by many citizens that they do not want Garafraxa Street extended into the…
Minto staff to review sewage study
A major water study on the impact heavy rain runoff is having on the town’s sewage treatment…
Wellington County to consider $30,000 in funding for drug-use prevention
Wellington County council has turned over to its administration, finance and personnel committee a…
Puslinch doctor wins $10,000 for top entry in national health care challenge
A local doctor has managed to take the national stage with an idea to use the internet to improve…
Erin Buskerfest held July 9
The streets of Erin and McMillan Park were alive with Buskerfest on July 9. Throughout the day many…
$600,000 for research will help GRCA agencies learn about water quality
The Canadian Water Network is making $600,000 available to the Grand River Conservation Authority…
Council approves change of zoning for business
Council passed a bylaw here on June 28 that will permit the expansion of highway commercial zoning…
McManus, Swick and Breit to shine at Elora Festival
It sounds like the set-up to a very peculiar joke. What do you get when you cross an…
Hospital has death from C. difficile outbreak
An elderly patient who contracted C. difficile in the hospital earlier this month died on the…