Two girls from northern Wellington County were successful last weekend at the Ontario Miss Mid West…
Council endorses delegating staff approval to site plan exemptions
Staff here will be allowed to exempt site plan approvals – but only under certain conditions.…
Township is ready to celebrate Food Day Canada
On July 30, the Centre Wellington Rotary Club invites everyone to come to Bissell Park by the river…
Centre Wellingtons Great Heritage Tree Hunt offers fun and prizes
NeighbourWoods wants to find and celebrate some of the township’s biggest and most storied…
Council gets updated information
=On July 12, Erin Water Superintendent Frank Smedley provided councillors with an update on source…
Doors Open Fergus-Elora had 3,500 visitors
On June 25, residents and visitors here again participated at the annual celebration of…
Sportsplex to welcome Blacksmith Artists
In 1961 Mick Smith had the choice to become either a professional iron worker or a blacksmith. He…
Nestle Waters donates over 200,000 bottles of water to help homeless
Nestlé Waters Canada, has announced a donation of $42,336 worth of bottled water to Project…
Wellington County council has no objections to Neubauer pit proposal
County council voted on June 30 to inform the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) it has no objections to…
Mapleton sidewalk work, revitalization project picking up again
If all goes according to plan, this village’s downtown area could look decidedly different…
Eden Mills church celebrates 150 years
On July 17 the Eden Mills United Church was full of community members and guests taking part in the…
Older water service bylaw intact still functional, but needs review
Under business arising from the previous council discussion, Councillor Josie Wintersinger asked if…
26th annual Fergus Truck Show runs July 22 to 24 at Sportsplex
Organizers are planning a few new things for the Fergus Truck Show next weekend, but for the most…
Emerson Drive to headline Fergus Truck Shows entertainment lineup
An exciting line-up of Canadian country musicians and hard rock tribute bands will perform at the…
Show has economic benefits locally and beyond
For the past 25 years, The Fergus Truck Show has contributed to the local economy of Centre…