They have known the provincial election falls on Oct. 6 for nearly four years – so many…
Optimist club has candidates meet
The community centre here will be the scene of a provincial election all candidates debate on Sept.…
Puslinch councillors thinking green
A suggestion to donate funds to replace trees in Goderich has left councillors here feeling a…
UPDATE: Two local candidate nights cancelled
It is with great concern that the Agricultural Organizations of Wellington County have had to make…
Insurance rates up 2% in Puslinch
It could have been worse. On Sept. 7 Puslinch Mayor Dennis Lever said, “This morning we met…
Motorist was stopped by police imposter
C. WELLINGTON TWP. – The OPP has again received a report about a possible phony police…
Township hires extra crossing guard to help seven students cross highway
Guelph-Eramosa councillors feel the addition of an extra crossing guard in Rockwood will help…
OPPs Golden Helmets is big attraction at 175th Fergus Fall Fair
The OPP Golden Helmets Motorcycle Precision Team will be performing at the 175th annual Fergus Fall…
Ready to party til the cows come home at HarristonMinto Fall Fair
Residents here are ready to party ‘till the cows come home, as suggested in the theme of this…
A weekly press release prepared by the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural…
Winter wheat performance trial results are now online
Ontario winter wheat performance trial information is now available online at, a…
First ever diaper drive raised cash for moms
On Aug. 27 Beginnings Family Services staff and volunteers were outside of Walmart handing out…
Addiction supportive housing program changing lives
Residents across Waterloo Region and Wellington County struggling with addiction now have access to…
Starboretum workshop running on Sept. 20
Ever look up at the night sky and wonder what’s up there? If so, join guest instructor Trevor…
Apple Butter and Cheese Festival is Sept. 24
Rain or shine, the annual Apple Butter and Cheese Festival will take place here on Sept. 24. The…