Music at the Hall here offers Tannis Slimmon and Fireweed to share the stage at the community hall…
Chamber Choir presents The Hunchback of Notre Dame Oct. 29
The Guelph Chamber Choir opens its 2011-12 season with a screening of the classic 1923 film, The…
REVIEW: Blood Brothers an emotional, energetic musical with humour
“Did you ever hear the story of the Johnstone twins?” Though brothers do not always…
Legion offers Nightmare on Daly Street haunted house
Starting next weekend, and for the ninth year in a row, the Palmerston Legion’s haunted…
OPP Mounted Unit: Horses were stars in North American competition
Wellington County OPP Constable Sarah Van Norman and auxiliary officer Brad Hull were a bit…
Committee busy planning CWDHS Class of 79 reunion
Graduates and classmates from Centre Wellington District High School’s class of 1979 are…
Minto COPs committee youth dance is Oct. 28
On Oct. 28 a Halloween Youth Dance will take place at the Legion here from 7 to 10pm. The community…
Niagara to GTA corridor assessment
Councillor Susan Fielding believes council needs more information on proposals for a Niagara to GTA…
School board unveils $90-million capital plan
Some cost estimates included in the Upper Grand District School Board’s (UGDSB) $90-million…
Haunted house at Drayton Fairgrounds opens Oct. 20
Locals looking for something fun to do to help celebrate Halloween can visit the new haunted…
Concerns about museum lands changing
Nearly 100 people attended a public meeting here on Oct. 19 to hear the proposals for the…
Council passes bylaw to regulate waterworks in urban areas
Even though the town has passed a bylaw to regulate waterworks in urban areas, it does not include…
Council likely to reject mandatory water hook-ups
It appears 108 property owners will not face mandatory hook-up to Erin’s municipal water…
Active transportation plans open houses set for three communities
The County of Wellington and it local municipalities, along with the Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph…
Minto council hears two objections to expanded pit
A public meeting here found two objections to a gravel pit expansion proposal by the Murray Group,…