The Centre Wellington Fusion novice A (front) and major peewee AA teams each captured their Ontario…
Area cops warning residents about credit card interest rate scams
Two area police services are warning people of the latest scams and they have to do with interest…
Gold medalists
Gold medalists - The five pin mixed bowling team representing Grand River zone won a gold medal in…
Mimosa United offers Food for Thought event
Mimosa United Church is seeking to become a rural learning centre this spring. The church will be…
Hometown pride
The Fergus Team 2 Novice Icehogs played in a two-day tournament near Niagara Falls during March…
Gator gang
This American alligator from Exotic Critter Tales in Guelph was a big hit at the Alma Public…
Erin council meeting grows into a two-parter
While some council meetings are longer than others, it is a rare occurrence for a meeting to last…
Watershed heroes sought
The Grand River Conservation Authority is looking for heroes in the watershed and is asking…
On the level
Jake Fish Drexler, left, and teammate Brad Howe represented Centre Wellington District High School…
Stone United Church celebrated 150th
Anyone driving down the 4th Line here on the morning of March 25 could be forgiven if he wondered…
Elora Cooperative Preschool hosts Easter Egg Hunt
Its time to hop to it and join the Elora Cooperative Preschool for its annual Centre Wellington…
Arnott again raises need for Morriston bypass
The Morriston bypass is an urgent infrastructure need that would not only benefit Puslinch…
Erin Ag Society inducted into wall of fame
There is a new inductee to Erins wall of fame, but in this case, it is a group effort. On March 20,…
Erin residents express concern with lack of bylaw regulation for animals
It may not be raining cats and dogs, but for Andy and Cindy Bell, the pigeons and rabbits are…
Meeting considers Safe Community status
Centre Wellington is considered the second safest community in Canada, according to Macleans…