While the Fergus Sportsplex hosted a portion of the Western Ontario Ringette regionals, members of…
County hires economic development employee
Wellington County announced on March 29 it has hired Jana Reichert to work on its economic…
Ninety vendors took part in third annual Wellington North Showcase
The old adage, Ill scratch your back, you scratch mine can, at times, apply to the business world.…
Mapleton invites public to strategic plan meeting on April 26
The township is developing a 10-year strategic plan and is inviting residents, community groups and…
Minto duo earn semi-finalist spot on Canadas Got Talent, airing April 29
Angela Ewtushik looks across her comfortable country kitchen at her dog Rally trying to contain…
Genealogical Society meeting on April 24
On April 24 at 7pm the Wellington County Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society will meeting at…
Mapleton Musings
Maryborough 1873 Audit An interesting document was passed from the municipal office to the…
New committee will welcome new members
The former Centre Wellington COPs committee will hold its first meeting under its new name, the…
A Life Changing Story. Telling stories is one of the things that makes us human. We are creatures…
Wellington County council costs rose about $39,000 in 2011
County council cost Wellington ratepayers $741,100 last year, up over 5% from $702,440 in 2010.…
Manure cited as cause of grass blaze; department official offer tips to avoid fires
It certainly qualifies as unexpected. Last week, the Advertiser was notified about a large grass…
Alice Sinkner: From political immigrant to international artist
Alice Sinkner wanted to become a midwife when she was 18, but politics interfered - and led her…
Some bunny special
The Easter Bunny made an early visit to Erin to help Station Road Nursery School celebrate its…
50% of fire department calls to 401
In the past month, over half of the calls to the Puslinch Fire Department are connected to Highway…
MTO seeks noise bylaw exemption
A noise exemption in Puslinch along Highway 401 could mean for a few noisy nights near Morriston.…