Its not quite Skating with the Stars, but with the help of the Trillium Foundation, residents here…
Western Regionals
Ringette teams from across southwestern Ontario were in Fergus on March 31 for the Western Ontario…
Hydro One asked to reconsider moratorium on locating antennas
Councillors here discussed correspondence from Mississauga about its interim protocol for the…
Taste for Life event returns to area April 25
The AIDS committee of Guelph and Wellington County is hosting its fourth annual dining out…
A weekly report prepared by the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs…
Debut design team
Members of the Salem Public Schools design and tech club participated in the elementary skills…
Farmers of North America and OFA sign partnership
Farmers of North America (FNA) and the Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) announced the…
Skilled crew
Grade 6 students representing Elora Public School competed in the elementary skills competition on…
Coalition pleased budget preserves risk management program
The Ontario Agriculture Sustainability Coalition (OASC), representing producers of livestock, fruit…
City grandmothers group lunch to benefit Africa is set for April 28
The Guelph GoGo Grandmothers are holding a luncheon April 28, 11am to 3pm at the Dublin St. Church…
Arboretum offers warblers workshops
The Arboretum, University of Guelph is offering two warbler workshops featuring one of springs…
Schools, community groups can apply for grants
Applications are now being accepted from community groups and schools for community conservation…
Fundamentals workshops at Arboretum Tuesdays
Gardening Fundamentals is a series of courses designed for the beginner and experienced gardener.…
Tree expert gives talk at centre on April 26
ELORA - The NeighbourWoods Tree Talk will take a photographic tour of some of Ontarios rarest and…
For the love of books: Stories of friendship
Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life. ~ Mark Twain. Mark…