The Palmerston and District Hospital Foundation recently welcomed Phoenix Broadcast and Wireless…
Guelph theatre presents The Glass Menagerie
On the heels of Tennessee Williams 100th birthday, Guelph Little Theatre will present one of his…
Trees company
Moorefields Emma Gillespie, 7, and Zoey Moore, 8, took a break to explore the grounds at Bissell…
Wedding Belles opens at Harriston Town Hall April 13
Wedding Belles, the Grey Wellington Theatre Guilds (GWTG) spring comedy opens at the Harriston Town…
Liberals: MPs choose party over local health
Liberal MPPs are claiming their Tory opposition members are ignoring the needs of local residents…
Time for another Hot Time in Hillsburgh on April 14
The Chinguacousy Swing Orchestra (CSO) returns to Century Church Theatre here on April 14 for its…
Georgetown Little Theatre presents Fosters Looking
Georgetown Little Theatres April production 'Looking' is from one of Canadas most popular…
Maeve Donnelly joins Masters of Irish Fiddling concert series
On April 14 Riverside Celtic College is presenting a day of workshops and an evening of Celtic…
LHIN offering Rural Health Symposium on April 19
The Waterloo Wellington Local Health Integration Network is hosting a Rural Health Symposium on…
Proposed 300acre Solmar development could double the size of Erin village
Solmars vision could very well shape the fabric of this community for years to come. Solmar…
Klaasen named youth Citizen-of-the-Year
It is not every day the principal of Centre Wellington District High School demands her presence at…
Council uncertain of impact of any opposition
While council empathizes with Claringtons request to reinstate a slots program, it was uncertain…
Soccer club receives award
The Puslinch Minor Soccer Club has been awarded Wellington-Differin-Guelph Public Healths…
Fine season
Fine season - After capturing the west division championship of the Lower Lakes Female Hockey…
Arnott continues to advocate with another letter about Morriston bypass
Wellington-Halton Hills MPP Ted Arnott continues his drive for a Morriston bypass on Highway 6.…