Wendy Calders practice of adopting rescued animals has paid off in a way she never imagined. On…
Township hears details on budget and programs from GRCA officials
Perhaps Mayor Bruce Whale best summed up a presentation from Grand River Conservation Authority…
Future farmers?
Iris Nieuwland and Keirsten Vandenberg were among the youngsters who seemed to enjoy the 31st…
Council to review Marierons ambulance letter
A letter outlining the towns concerns about ambulance service will have to come back to council for…
Young volunteers help enhance local parks on new TVO series Giver
What can six kids accomplish in three days? TVO and Sinking Ship Entertainment are pleased to…
Locals volunteer
Deb and Josh Dalziel and Carol OBrien volunteered as bar staff at the Shelter from the Storm…
Habitat fundraiser
Centre Wellington District High School Food School students volunteered to make and serve food at…
Dippels Family Garage offers quality service, repairs at a fair price
2010 marked several changes in the business landscape of Mapleton Township - and Dippels Family…
Showing em how its done
Sylvia Grove takes the drivers seat at the Drayton Farm Show, which took place on April 4 and 5.…
Disney-dressed skaters star at carnival
Family and friends clapped as the 25 figure skaters in the Clifford Skating Club performed their…
Big cheque
Members of the Grand River Agricultural Society (from left: director Tom Wilson, president Paul…
Bronze showing
The U-13 Girls Guelph Grizzlies brought home bronze medals from the Ontario Volleyball…
New sponsor
The Palmerston and District Hospital Foundation recently welcomed Phoenix Broadcast and Wireless…
Guelph theatre presents The Glass Menagerie
On the heels of Tennessee Williams 100th birthday, Guelph Little Theatre will present one of his…
Trees company
Moorefields Emma Gillespie, 7, and Zoey Moore, 8, took a break to explore the grounds at Bissell…