Have you ever wondered if that old tea set collecting dust in your attic is worth a bundle? Find…
Upper Grand Learning Foundations 8th Fundraising Fair returns on April 23
Any not-for-profit organization, church, school or charity understands the challenges in…
Grant to help with playground projects
The Ontario Trillium Foundation has presented Wellington North Township $94,200 in funding for…
Digging in
Habitat for Humanity Wellington County hosted the Centre Wellington build ground breaking ceremony…
Mayor wants to see culvert removed
Mayor Lou Maieron wants to see the municipal culvert on Station Road removed - not replaced. And…
Resident requests compensation for Station Road closure
Resident Roy Lennartz thinks council should start a repair and compensation program for Station…
Erin environmental group presents Bottled Life, the film, at Erin Legion on April 25
Bottled Life, the film, premieres in Erin April 25 The Climate Change Action Group of Erin (CCAGE)…
MPP: Government slow to help with doctor shortage
Perth-Wellington MPP Randy Pettapiece is wondering what is taking the provincial government so long…
Hundreds take part in 2nd annual Marden Marathon
Hundreds took part in the 2nd annual Marden Marathon on April 14 benefitting the Groves hospital…
Mission trip to Peru a success
Waving goodbye to those who braved the early hours, Twenty-two missionaries from Drayton United…
Deputy fire chief retiring after 30 years of service
About two dozen Guelph-Eramosa firefighters packed the council chamber here on Monday night for a…
Fire Safety for Kids program offered again
The Mapleton fire department is once again giving local grade 4 students the opportunity to…
Community donation
Community donation - Walmart store manager Pat Farrell recently presented a $2,790 cheque to Sherri…
Council grants permission for storage trailers – for one year
Council has granted a man here permission to park storage trailers on his land, but it also made it…
Mans best friend warns toddler of imminent danger
Wendy Calders practice of adopting rescued animals has paid off in a way she never imagined. On…