Federal, provincial and municipal representatives gathered here on April 12 to celebrate the…
Stanley Cup comes to Fergus
Its playoff season and the real Stanley Cup is coming to the Centre Wellington Sportsplex here on…
Chong: new CBC station delayed only six months as a result of federal budget
Cuts to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporations budget last month in the federal budget will not…
Thornley appointed head of task force
The Guelph and Wellington Task Force for Poverty Elimination appointed Guelph Community Health…
Special area rate in downtown Hillsburgh finally authorized by council in 4-1 vote
Mayor Lou Maieron appeared to be a lone vote against a special area charge to bring water services…
McElwain loses bid to save heritage district study funding for Centre Wellington
A last ditch plea by councillor Kirk McElwain prior to considering the township budget fell on deaf…
Horse operator says industry blindsided by province on OLG slot revenues
If anyone sees how removing slot revenues will affect Ontarios horse racing industry, it is Gail…
Council pay below $85,000
When it comes to council costs, Erin might be one of the better deals in Wellington County. At…
Government hopes to boost tourism with war commemoration fund
Visitors to and residents of Newfoundland and Labrador will have an opportunity to learn more about…
27 unit apartment building approved for village
Councillors here were asked on Monday to ponder the time lag between a zoning application and its…
Mad Midgets
Mayor George Bridge, far left, handed out the honours to members of the Minto Mad Dogs Midget team,…
Special Olympics track and field meet is May 23
The Special Olympics Track and Field 2012 event is set for May 23, at St.James High School. This…
Guelph Township Horticultural Society celebrates 90th anniversary
The Guelph Township Horticultural Society celebrates its 90th anniversary this year. Several…
Bronze winners
The U-10 Elora Fergus Ringette team faced opponents from Chatham, Dorchester, Guelph and Waterloo…
Future farmers?
Iris Nieuwland and Keirsten Vandenberg were among the youngsters who seemed to enjoy the 31st…