The Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps Ajax of Guelph has announced Chief Petty Officer 2nd class…
An article in the business section of the April 6 Wellington Advertiser included the incorrect…
Wheels of Hope asks community to send old bikes on a new journey
The United Church here has set the wheels in motion to change lives in Africa through something as…
Township approves 2012 budget; spending up by 6.4%
Taking advantage of a lower Wellington County tax hike, councillors in Centre Wellington raised…
Council approval paves way for summer start on construction of McQueen Boulevard
Construction will start sometime this summer on McQueen Boulevard West in the south end of Fergus…
Resident wants explanation of townships development charge refunds
Wellington North resident Jens Dam, whose Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) appeal resulted in…
Elora teen drafted by London Knights
Many players would be glued to the screen watching the Ontario Hockey League draft if there was…
Rock on
Players from the paperweight select Mohawk team, of the Centre Wellington Minor Lacrosse…
Locals challenge proposed 10year extension of Nestl Waters permit in Hillsburgh
Liz Armstrong wants to make sure Hillsburghs water concerns dont go down the drain. Armstrong, a…
Sights and sounds of South America in the spring at groups meeting
President Bill Cheeseman welcomed 28 members and guests to the Clifford and District Horticultural…
Minto resident aims to start horseshoe league
Don Roswell of Harriston took Minto Mayor George Bridges words seriously when he announced there…
Growing beautiful tulips requires some foresight
Of all spring flowers, tulips are among the most cherished. They are relatively easy to grow and…
Club hosts lawn bowling events
The Elora Rocks Lawn Bowling Club is hosting a series of open houses to encourage people of all…
Photography workshop
How can nature inspire youth to take great photos? Register kids up for a workshop at The Arboretum…
Minto council recognized the achievements of the past season of some of its Sports teams on April…