The Fergus Horticultural Society holds its annual Best Bloomin Plant Sale on May 12 at the stone…
Station Road Nursery School celebrates 40 years in community
Recently, the Station Road Nursery School celebrated its 40th Anniversary / Alumni Event. Past and…
Town council takes another look at billing for food bank utility costs
Councillors here are looking at how they should bill East Wellington Community Services for food…
Bereaved by suicide workshop
Hospice Wellington is offering a workshop for people over age 20 who are bereaved by suicide. The…
Cats Anonymous has first meet-and-greet
It was the first ever spring meet-and-greet for Cats Anonymous here on April 29 and it was a…
Arthur Fall Fair promotion
It may seem a long while off, but Bob and Louise Moore were at the Mount Forest Home and Leisure…
ALS Walk Mount Forest
Jen McFadden, left, and Ashley Teeter were at the Mount Forest Home and Leisure Show on April 29…
Annual tradition
Its a sure sign of spring to see local Brownies and Girl Guides selling cookies. This group was at…
Habitat lists needs for its build
As part of the build on Forfar Street here this summer, Habitat for Humanity Guelph Wellington is…
Jesses Journey
Jesses Journey - Elora Public School hosted its annual fundraising event in support of Duchenne…
Mapleton accepts commuter challenge
It is active transportation taken a notch higher - and council here is hoping to ratchet up its…
Sinnamon: More funding needed
When it comes to seeking grants for programs council has been running for years, new sources of…
Local church hosts diabetes meeting
Chairman George Van Ankum welcomed close to 20 people to an information meeting sponsored by the…
Farm severance proposal leads to discussion about tree planting
Council considered what appeared to be a regular severance application on April 13, but the…
No objections at Mapleton council to expanded loading dock
Federal food regulations are forcing a township man to expand his poultry processing plants loading…