Art is for everyone and so is Artcetera 2012, the third annual fundraiser for the Elora Centre for…
MAX committee presents Legends of Rock & Roll
The Mapleton Arena Xpansion (MAX) committee is presenting another fundraiser at the arena on May…
Roy Orbison tribute comes to Grand Theatre May 13
A tribute to the music and life of Roy Orbison will come to the Grand Theatre here on May 13, in a…
Crystal sponsors
Kash and Norma Ramchandani, owners of The Royal Terrace in Palmerston, present their crystal…
Ceilidh fundraiser May 5 in at community hall
The Eden Mills community halls is hosting an evening of toe-tapping fun on May 5 when Guelphs House…
Royal City Square Dance club hosts international convention
The Royal City Square Dance Club is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2012 with events throughout…
Barbershop boys
The Barbershop Harmony Society of Ontario hosted its spring convention in Collingwood on April 14.…
Oh Annie
Kelly Hebner as Annie, left, and Emma Phillips as Miss Hannigan are part of the Theatre Centre…
Guelph Youth Singers present Celebrate the Sky
The award-winning choirs of Guelph Youth Singers (GYS) will Celebrate the Sky in their annual…
Local theatre groups win provincial honours
Local talent took home honours during the annual ACT-CO Gala, (The Association for Community…
Oscar Peterson tribute features Dave Young Quartet
Harcourt Memorial United Church is hosting an Oscar Peterson tribute concert on May 11. The Dave…
Liberation Day: Members of local Dutch community celebrate, remember
This week, as he has every May for several decades, John Gansekoele walked to the flagpole at his…
Therapy Dog program thriving in local area
The St. John Therapy Dog Program is a volunteer organization that brings canine companionship and…
Christianity, evolution seminars set for May 4, 5
Loyola House, The Guelph Seminar, The Ignatian School of Spirituality, and Harcourt United Church…
Drayton Reformed Church hosts diabetes meeting
Chairman George Van Ankum welcomed close to 20 people to an information meeting sponsored by the…