Residents and volunteers at Heritage River in Elora show off their first project, a knitted lap…
Armstrong stars in leading role in production of The Sound of Music
Four years after winning national attention as a runner-up in the CBC hit reality television…
World of music comes to village this summer for 33rd annual Elora Festival
The world of music comes to this village for the 33rd annual Elora Festival, which runs from July…
Retired Women Teachers group honours trio for outstanding service
Trathnona maith duit, an Irish greeting that means good evening or good afternoon, was heard many…
New name unveiled for Drayton Entertainment theatre
Recently, Drayton Entertainment held a News conference to announce a new name for its theatre here.…
Plans well underway for Canada Day celebrations across Mapleton
The Mapleton Communities Canada Day Celebration 2012 Committee is encouraging everyone to mark July…
Beatlemania show comes to Wellington County
One of the most commercially successful and critically acclaimed acts in music history, The Beatles…
Starlight Gala crystal sponsor
Larry Grummett Insurance, in partnership with Peel Mutual Insurance Company, recently presented…
Tribute show comes to town on July 21
Billed as a stroll down memory lane, John Morello presents Platinum Impressions, a tribute show at…
REVIEW: Despite its flaws women may empathize with Menopositive
While introducing Theatre Orangevilles final show of the season, artistic director David Nairn…
Just ducky
Conner McInnes Worsnop looks on as some of the 1,200-plus rubber ducks slowly made their way down…
Farmers Markets to be added to fall fairs
The Township of Wellington North is pleased to announce a Farmers Market has been added to the…
OPINION: Seasonal agriculture worker program a vital part of food industry
Signs of life and renewal are impossible to ignore on farms across Ontario as spring kick starts…
New threat faces Ontario beekeepers
After the most successful overwintering of honeybees in Ontario for a number of years, beekeepers…
Odd spring weather means fewer Ontario apples in stores, higher prices
Ontarians can expect fewer locally grown apples in stores this fall and those that will be on the…