President Alieda Murray welcomed 25 volunteers to the Clifford Community Meals on Wheels volunteer…
Family group in Guelph holding walk on June 2
Beginnings Family Services Guelph is hosting a community run and walk on June 2 at First Christian…
Local business part of accessibility conference on May 29 and 30
Local accessibility firm Roll a Mile will be presenting a session at the fourth annual The…
Classics in the Country come to arts centre May 26 and June 2
The Elora Centre for the Arts will be presenting two Classics in the Country concerts on May 26 and…
Local group helps Tidy the Town
When spring rolls around, there are lists to compile of chores to accomplish. President Bill…
Firefighters support hospital
Dave Huntley, past president of the Palmerston and District Hospital Foundation, and Starlight Gala…
Firefighters spaghetti supper a success
Members of the volunteer firefighters here hosted a spaghetti dinner recently the community hall.…
Important talk
On May 3 the Moorefield Optimist Club held a Respect For Law night. OPP officer Mark Grasman spoke…
GRCA announces photo contest winners
An avid fisherman hooked the grand prize - a Nikon D90 camera - in the Grand River Conservation…
Heavy Hitters to kick off season
Heavy Hitters is set to start its sixth season here on May 26 at 10:30am. Last year Heavy Hitters…
On board
Don Matthews, left, installed the board of directors for District 7 of the Ontario Horticultural…
Tournament champs
The 96 Warriors (all players born in 1996) came home champions from the recent Canlan Tournament in…
Mason bees better pollinators than honey bees
Mason bees (Osmia lignaria) and honey bees (Apis mellifera) are valuable pollinators. An increasing…
FHT encouraging locals to put spring in their step
New Years resolutions are now three months old - and hopefully still going strong. But if not, now…
Park planting
Representatives from the Kinsmen Club and the Grand River Conservation Authority came together on…