From May 15 to the 20 here, four theatre productions from across Ontario participated in the…
Grand Quilt Guild: 15 years sharing a love of quilting
Are they just a bunch of material girls? They are - and darn proud of it, too. Members of the Grand…
Sale to raise money for multi-birth families set for March 23
"We've talked to doctors, nurses, ultrasound technicians and midwives, and they all agree that…
Youth art symposium is June 9
The Rural Youth Artist Group presents its fourth art symposium on June 9 at the Elora Legion from…
Skier honoured by city
Erin Mielzynski, who made history in March when she became the first Canadian woman to win a World…
ECT holding show auditions
The Elora Community Theatre is issuing an audition call for people aged 10 years and older, and no…
The Moorefield Diner offers great taste and value seven days a week
Terrance and Beth-Anne Rumph were no strangers to the restaurant business when they reopened The…
Mapleton 4-H Life Skills Club keeps busy
The third meeting of the Mapleton 4-H Life Skills Club (A Walk on the Wild Side) was held on May 1…
OFA salutes decision on bio-processing in Sarnia
The Ontario Federation of Agriculture is pleased with the May 16 BioAmber announcement to proceed…
Horticulture Society hosts show
On May 22 the Maryborough Horticulture Society met at the Moorefield Optimist Hall for its monthly…
Group seeking models for the 2013 Faces of Farming calendar
It is often said there is no such thing as a typical farmer - that Ontarios farm community is…
Mapleton native lauded for work with children
Former Mapleton resident Bernice Taylor has been recognized with a Prime Ministers Award for…
OPINION: Aggregates Act must preserve farmland and soil
Recently the Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) criticized the provincial government’s…
Wellington Water Watchers make presentation to local council
A former resident was at Mapleton council on May 22 to give council some warnings and tips about…
Ontario Forage Expo runs July 11 this year
The seventh Ontario Forage Expo will be held here on July 11 at the farm of Pedro and Jolanda Slits…