Arthur Youth Horticultural Club members Claudia Meyers, Chloe Meyers, Brenna Charlton and Chelsea…
Guild hosts inaugural Quilts on the Grand showcase
The walls and even the pews of the St. James Anglican Church were draped with spectacular quilts…
Close to 70 children took part in annual fishing derby
On May 26, under sunny skies and sweltering heat, 68 children gathered at Cosens Pond outside of…
Passengers stopped bus
Passengers on a city bus helped free a pinned driver on May 30 at about 3:55pm. Sergeant Douglas…
Erins McMillan Park needs work to revive grass
McMillan Park is in need of help. In a recent report to council, town manager Lisa Hass stated the…
Wellington County seeks comments for economic survey
Wellington County and its seven municipalities are working together to develop their first economic…
East Wellington Community Services
East Wellington Community Services has a lot to celebrate. The organization recently offered thanks…
Strategic thinking offers wish list and direction, says Erin Mayor Lou Maieron
Mayor Lou Maieron wants council to think about a strategic plan. Maieron made his comments after…
Political parties well represented at Wellington Countys equine meeting
Two of the three main provincial political parties had attendees at the Wellington County meeting…
Audience hears facts on equine effect on provincial economy
Wellington County council was looking for hard facts to present to the Ontario government when it…
Tom Sawyer meets Myth Busters at Speed River Raft Race in Guelph
The Speed River will play host to a number of strange contraptions this Saturday as Wellington area…
Municipal code of conduct under review
In a May report to council, town manager Lisa Hass reported a code of conduct document is still…
Mapleton 4-H Life Skills Club keeps busy
The third meeting of the Mapleton 4-H Life Skills Club (A Walk on the Wild Side) was held on May 1…
OFA salutes decision on bio-processing in Sarnia
The Ontario Federation of Agriculture is pleased with the May 16 BioAmber announcement to proceed…
Horticulture Society hosts show
On May 22 the Maryborough Horticulture Society met at the Moorefield Optimist Hall for its monthly…