It is said that once people learn how to ride a bicycle, they never forget it. The same can be said…
Two camps announced for Hands On Horses program
As the Ontario Harness Racing Youth Camp celebrates its 10th anniversary this year, the Hands On…
Locals do well in national Tae Kwon-Do tournament
A Team From Chung Ohs School of Tae Kwon-Do in Fergus performed well at the 39th annual Canadian…
Celebrities and auction at Sunrise
At the Sunrise Galloping Gourmets fundraising event this Saturday, 2:30pm, there is an opportunity…
A weekly report prepared by the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs…
Locally shared agriculture takes fewer chances with bad weather
Community Shared Agriculture (CSA) crop diversity provides a natural insurance for farmers as…
Protect corn yields from weeds
Growers still have time to protect corn from weeds. For growers who did not apply a pre-emerge…
Seniors in Waterloo-Wellington benefit from new provincial project
Local seniors living in the Waterloo Wellington Local Health Integration Network (WWLHIN) are…
About 20 people aired grievances with province at June 9 meeting
A grassroots citizen group is looking to expand its membership in a bid to offer one voice to…
Council defers lagoon maintenance
A proposal for work at the sewage lagoon for Drayton and Moorefield was deferred on May 22 to the…
Mapleton residents might be able see recreation master plan on July 1
Council has talked about it for months, heard two presentations, and has learned the final draft…
International fastball teams to help raise funds for mural
The softball fields here will host two of the games most exciting teams when the New Zealand Black…
Baton twirlers did well at provincials
Members of the Superstars Baton Club came home as champions from the 2012 Canadian National Baton…
Drayton Heights cheers on Special Olympians
Drayton Heights Public School was cheering on four of their student athletes Wednesday May 23 as…
Highland teammates win in Japan
Fergus Highland Rugby teammates Alex Swainson and Joel Brattan and their teammates from Shawnigan…