Three local municipalities have agreed to contribute toward the cost of an event to increase…
County council recognizes efforts of RIDE team
Wellington County councillors acknowledged the efforts of a team of OPP officers to reduce impaired…
Online voting this weekend: Cassidy one of 100 finalists for Hockey Goes On conest
Kevin Cassidy has been "making hockey go on" in Centre Wellington for 26 years. As a top 100…
Police encourage responsible use of 911 service
Wellington County OPP officials would like to remind everyone to be responsible with the use of…
County approves 2.4% hike in taxes
County taxpayers will see a 2.4 per cent hike in taxes after county council approved its 2013…
Holding provisions removed at Mini-Lakes
Councillors here are ready to remove holding provisions on lands at Mini Lakes. The holding…
Marjorie Clark asks that natural heritage be recognized on Puslinch website
Local resident Marjorie Clark would like to see a bit of nature included on the Puslinch website.…
Jill Barber brings romance to River Run Centre Feb. 14
Just in time for Valentine's Day, the River Run Centre presents an evening with the romantic jazz…
WEB: Superstars Baton Club
Fourteen members of the Superstars Baton Club located in Fergus and Arthur competed at the 2013…
WEB: Puslinch Minor Soccer kicks off new season
The Puslinch Minor Soccer Club, in partnership with its members, is a community minded non-profi…
Frozen Dreams play set to warm hearts
Georgetown Little Theatre's Frozen Dreams written by award-winning playwright Robert Ainsworth,…
Meet the Welly Washers
The annual Alma Plunger Toss was held on the weekend, with 56 teams to claim the throne as…
Deer crossing
Recently, three deer were spotted browsing through an Elora neighbourhood, at the corner of York…
Getting in the groove with the kids
The Zippidy Do Da - Music and Movement Program in Rockwood is being held Wednesday mornings in the…
Nominees sought across country for Prime Minister”s Volunteer Awards
The Prime Minister's Volunteer Awards celebrate Canadians who make a difference. Any individual…