Teams from areas outside of Wellington County took part in the 15th annual Giddy Masters Bonspiel…
Elliott Community is raising funds for mobility
The Elliott Community, Guelph's only not-for-profit organization offering four levels of care for…
Macdonald Stewart to host Funky Family Day
The Macdonald Stewart Art Centre will host an afternoon of free family fun for all ages during…
Giddy Masters Bonspiel celebrates 15 years
The Fergus Curling Club held its 15th annual Giddy Masters Bonspiel for men aged 60-plus on Feb.…
It”s game on for the annual Bowl for Kids Sake
It's time to get the ball rolling on the annual fundraiser Big Brothers Big Sisters of Centre…
Champs in Acton
Centre Wellington Fusion Peewee Select were champions in the annual House League/Select /Local…
Elora Farmers” Market features special events in February
The trick to surviving winter is to get out and enjoy local happenings, so the organizers of the…
Tourney champs
The Centre Wellington Fusion Atom Select hockey team took home the championship in the West Grey…
Erin Home Show will continue
It seems the show will go on. The Erin Home and Lifestyle Show's future was uncertain for a time…
Guelph U-10 takes gold medal at tournament
In an action packed game with a full house crowd watching, The Guelph Ringette's U-10 Regional Team…
OPP-Norwell game raises $1,200 for MADD
Members of the Wellington County OPP participated in the first annual Kate McNally Memorial MADD…
Co-operators raise $208,767 for United Way
The Co-operators announced recently it has raised $208,767 for United Way Guelph Wellington…
Disc dog dynamos
The Kennel Land Winter Classic Frizbee trial was held on Feb. 9 at the Kennel Land Boarding…
Celebrate Erin deadline extended
Residents now have a few more days to think about who should be recognized for contributions to the…
Council calls on public for budget input
Wellington North residents will have an opportunity to preview and comment on the township's…