Rotarian Leonard Underwood welcomed curlers, spectators, and cheerleaders to the Annual Clifford…
5th annual Source it Here local food event Feb. 25th
The 5th annual Guelph Wellington Local Food networking event features an afternoon of…
Proud to play
The U-8 Elora Fergus Edge Ringette team took part in the Kitchener Ringette Association's…
New appointment announced to FCC board of directors
Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz recently announced the appointment of Brenda Schoepp to Farm Credit…
Guelph U-14AA squad earns silver at tournament
Guelph U-14AA had a very successful Guelph Tournament weekend, finishing as silver medallists in an…
A weekly report prepared by the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs…
Hockey helpers to be recognized
Kraft Hockey Goes On is recognizing individuals who make hockey happen in their communities.…
Palmerston teams give strong showing at provincial championship tournament
More than 830 broomball players from across Ontario converged upon Barrie and arenas in Stroud and…
Calendar Girls uncovers some laughs in upcoming Erin Theatre production
When the amateur rights to Calendars Girls were released in 2012 for a period of only 12 months,…
Brent Rowan to play gala
The Guelph Youth Music Centre will play host to a gala concert fundraiser in support of the Kiwanis…
Comedy road show rolls into River Run on April 18
The popular Just For Laughs Road Show, spawned from the prestigious comedy festival of the same…
Basement Cafe talent
The Minto Arts Council's Feb. 9 Basement Cafe showcased the talents of blues/rock guitar veteran…
Studio tour sends out call for entries for 25th event
The 2013 Hills of Erin Studio Tour is inviting returning and new artists from the area, as well as…
Still time to enter Kiwanis Music Festival
The Kiwanis Music Festival of Guelph is celebrating its 32nd anniversary this year and classes will…
Uke Club hosts informal gathering Feb. 23
A newly formed Uke Club will host its second gathering on Feb. 23, at…