The Elora Rockers Old-timers Hockey Team recently held its 24th annual hockey tournament at the…
Aitchison bonspiel
For 35 years Mary Aitchison, far left, has been sponsoring a bonspiel at the Fergus Curling Club.…
Board breaking challenge
Mapleton Martial Arts students participated in a board breaking challenge at the Masonic Hall in…
Enjoying electives
Jade Metzger creates a personalized bag in a sewing class run by Jan Huberts and Nancy Stevens. It…
Local U-19 “A” team wins gold at provincials
The Elora-Fergus Edge U-19 "A' team won a gold medal in the McCarthy Division at the Nepean…
Woodworking assistance
Harvey Huberts gets some help in woodworking class from leader Bill Klaassen. It is all part of a…
Students take part in Careers in Agriculture
The Career Education Council drew in more than 400 students from 12 area schools on March 21 for a…
Archives Awareness week begins April 2 at Wellington County libraries
In celebration of Archives Awareness Week from April 2 to 7, Wellington County Archives staff will…
HayEast receives more provincial funding
According to a recent press release from the Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA), Ontario…
March Break Movie in Drayton
Area youngsters took shelter at the Drayton Branch of the Wellington County Library during a chilly…
Farm and Food Care hosts AGM on April 3
Is telling the farm story enough in this crazy world of YouTube and negative headlines? That'll be…
Preschool hosts Easter egg hunt at Bissel Park
Things will be hopping on March 30 when the Elora Cooperative Preschool hosts the annual Easter Egg…
Easter food drives continue in Erin, Hillsburgh
With Easter around the corner, the shelves of many food banks are starting to see gaps and the…
Public meeting to be held on graffiti bylaw planned for April 23
It looks like there could be some controversy ahead over the town's proposed graffiti bylaw. The…
Bunny brunch
Local politicians John Brennan (Erin councillor), far right, and Ted Arnott (Wellington-Halton…