The Town of Erin has completed a detailed review of its draft Servicing and Settlement Master Plan…
Underground Railroad Music Festival becoming semi-annual
The Underground Railroad Music Festival won't be held here this year, but organizer Diana…
Further Butter Tart Trail trademark action put on hold for now
The township will not push ahead with a legal trademark infringement case for its Butter Tart…
Giants Minor Ball Day set for June 22 in Moorefield
The 2013 Giants Minor Ball Day is set for June 22, in Moorefield. spectators are invited to bring…
Elora Public school music program will continue
The instrumental music program at Elora Public School will ring out again after efforts to save it…
Canada Day fun in Mapleton
Beach volleyball and fireworks are on the agenda as Canada Day will be proudly celebrated in…
Historical auto show held in Fergus
Historical Autos - The Historical Automobile Society of Canada's annual Flea Market and Car Show…
Knetsch wants council to issue call for referendum on future of Senate
A local councillor wants the municipality to initiate a referendum on the future of the Canadian…
Portraits of Honour tour wraps up in Mount Forest
After travelling 47,000 kilometres through 118 communities to pay respect to Canada's 158 fallen…
World class fastpitch softball event to support improvements to Moorefield Park
A fun family evening of fastpitch softball will be held at the Moorefield Ball Park on June 26. A…
NDP host BBQ
Romayne Smith Fullerton, NDP Candidate for Perth-Wellington in the next provincial election will…
An article in of the June 14 Community News ("Coopoeration results in playground upgrades")…
OPP dive team removes body from Elora Quarry
The OPP dive team has removed and identified the body of a man that drowned in the Elora Quarry on…
Tyke 2 lacrosse team picks up win
The Centre Wellington Mohawks Tyke 2 team picked up another win recently after defeating the Guelph…
Kitchener man drowns while swimming at Elora Quarry
An enjoyable swim at the quarry here on Monday evening turned in an instant into a fatal outing for…