Although there's been a bit of a delay, the accessible playground in Stait Park should officially…
Outdoor opera
Members of the Toronto-based Bicycle Opera Project brought their unique Canadian contemporary opera…
Council approves repaving of portion of Garafraxa Street near Beatty Line
Residents may soon look forward to a smoother drive on Garafraxa Street in Fergus following a…
Irvine Street reconstruction costs pegged at just under $900,000
Centre Wellington's tender award committee recently confirmed the $848,299 (excluding HST) bid of…
Wellington North council opens up turbine debate
Wellington North council is prepared to open up the debate on wind turbines in the…
Ash borer problem more than meets the eye
It's not just about the trees when one looks at the impact of the ash borer beetle infestation,…
Rodeo heat in Holstein
Farrier Sean Elliott, of Grand Valley, braved the heat inside a tent to make horseshoes during the…
Community mourns loss of Bryce Hogg
Shock and dismay turned to grief this week, as the community here mourned the loss of Elora teen…
Muscular Dystrophy fundraiser set for Aug. 24
Centre Wellington has once again authorized the Elora Fire Fighters Muscular Dystrophy fundraiser…
Getting creative
Siblings Libby and Sam Anderson made crafts from random items they received during a "Creativity…
Township appoints GRCA rep, approves business expansion
Guelph-Eramosa has supported the appointment of John Brennan as its representative on the Grand…
Lowell Lindsay to be inducted into Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame
For Lowell Lindsay, the prospect of entering the Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame wasn't even on…
Music in the park
Musicians played and sang for the crowds as part of Sensational Elora festivities that kicked off…
Sensational Elora hosts a garden party
David Lum, of Hamilton, played some of his music, including Room at My Table, during his set as…
July marks halfway point of gardening season
Commonly known as ditch lilies, these prolific orange daylilies (Hemerocallis fulva) are readily…