Drayton Festival Theatre will launch the classic rags-to-riches tale, Oliver as its fourth and…
Storm damage
A brief but intense thunderstorm struck the region on July 19. Hardest hit was the northern portion…
Work continues in downtown Fergus
Work continues on projects to improve downtown Fergus. Site cleanup work continues in the parking…
Spanish students learn Canadian culture
For two weeks, host families in Fergus were home to students travelling on an exchange program in…
Fergus Pipe Band opens concert series
For the second season, the Wellington County Museum and Archives is hosting a series of four…
Time to relax
After 23 years of serving meals in Drayton at the Bonanza Drift-In Restaurant, Anna Assimakopoulos,…
Progress on the court
The new Glen Allan Tennis Court was paved this week. The fencing, landscaping and completion of the…
Drayton Fair features 4-H theme
The Drayton Fair will celebrate the 100th anniversary of 4-H when the gates open for the 157th…
VBS a hit in Drayton
Kingdom Rock Vacation Bible School in Drayton attracted 170 young people who participated in a wide…
Council approves additional worker for busy public works department
A seasonal employee will be added to the public works staff here for a period of four months,…
Operation Dry Water part of new campaign to promote safe boating across Canada
Drinking and boating accounts for approximately 40 per cent of boating-related fatalities on…
OMAF and MRA Report
A weekly report prepared by the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food (OMAF) and the…
Theatre upgrades celebrated at Spamalot opening
Representatives and audience members were all smiles as they celebrated improvements to the St.…
Stay safe when working with huge bales
You see them dotting the rural landscape in freshly cut, satisfying rows throughout the summer and…
Alma institute takes mystery tour at meeting
The Alma Women's Institute gathered on July 18 for a meeting that included a mystery tour planned…