Members of the Wainfleet Fire Department may have generated a few of the biggest splashes, but it…
Ladies compete
Centre Wellington's fire department ladies donned firefighting uniforms for a friendly game of…
Crew efficiency
Though the Grand Valley crew didn't earn top spot in the race to gear up and sprint to the finish…
Waterball competition
Competition proved to be fierce among departments in this contest of skill and prowess during Fire…
Colour party
The Ontario Fire Service Pipes and Drums led firefighters during a memorial service on Aug. 4 at…
Firefighters on parade
Early Sunday morning, firefighters from across Ontario held a memorial parade through the grounds…
A higher view
Ella Draper is in the front seat with Jonathan Karn in the Fergus Fire Department's antique fire…
Township continues search for solutions to mould issues
Council has approved spending nearly $40,000 to remove mould from the basement of the municipal…
Forty apply to fill vacant CAO position in Township of Wellington North
The township's search for a new CAO has garnered 40 applications for the position, which was…
Switch to water meters approved
Council here has decided to go ahead with a switch to metered water use in Drayton and…
Crime of the Week
Sometime between Friday, May 10, and Monday, June 10, a theft occurred from a farm located on…
Police investigating theft of two customized trucks at Fergus show
Wellington County OPP are investigating the theft of two customized pickup trucks from the Fergus…
Youth Outdoors Day at Luther Marsh offers variety of activities, experiences
The 12th annual Luther Marsh Youth Outdoors Day will be held Sept. 14. Students are encouraged to…
Fire call
On July 25 at approximately 5:25am County OPP officers received a report of a structural fire at a…
“Bounce to Bounce Back” event raises over $5,000 for SickKids neurosurgery
The third annual "Bounce to Bounce Back" fundraiser in support of neurosurgery at The Hospital for…