There are many different ways to promote your website. The focus in earlier columns has often been…
Palmerston RWTO branch celebrates “Historical Day”
Vintage hats, dresses and furs were sported by several members of the Palmerston branch of Retired…
FERGUS SCOTTISH FESTIVAL: Small town goes for big record
The Fergus Scottish Festival and Highland Games recemt;u announced that on Aug. 9, 60 athletes will…
FERGUS SCOTTISH FESTIVAL: Ceilidh takes the party downtown
The Fergus Scottish Festival (FSF) will host its annual Ceilidh at the Fergus Grand Theatre on Aug.…
FERGUS SCOTTISH FESTIVAL: Free shuttle makes access to FSF easy
Local business sponsors and Elora Fergus Tourism are offering a free "Hop on the Bus" program for…
Bird family
The osprey nest high atop an old hydro pole at Belwood Lake seems a little more full than usual…
On watch
One adult osprey, left, repeatedly left the nest on Aug. 1, but it kept a watchful eye on its young…
25th anniversary marked
A flag raising ceremony will occur on Aug. 19, at Guelph City Hall to mark Crime Stoppers' 25th…
Businesses help make bus extrication training a reality
The president of the Fire Fighters Association of Ontario (FFAO) says were it not for the…
Elora woman dies in motorcycle crash
An accident involving a van and motorcycle near here has claimed the life of an Elora…
Numerous businesses within Wellington celebrated milestones over the past…
Collaboration enhances palliative care resources in Waterloo and Wellington
Hospice Palliative Care providers in Waterloo Wellington are working together to offer more direct…
CW Chamber of Commerce events
Included are upcoming events through the Centre Wellington Chamber of…
Atom girls finish second at year-end tournament
Drayton/Moorefield Atom Girls finished in second place in their year-end tournament Aug.…
Guelph salon receives national recognition
Earlier this year a Guelph salon received national recognition at the 19th Annual Mirror Awards at…