Township resident Jens Dam is planning to challenge council's decision not to recover $229,000 in…
School float
Students and staff were dressed for the fair's Barnyard Bonanza theme on the Minto Clifford School…
Golden Tree Awards
Past District Governor Lion Larry Wainwright, centre, Membership and Club Growth Team Leader, was…
Boot Hill Auto show and shine a popular draw
HL Hall of Famer Paul Coffey, back row right, joined Boot Hill Automotive Resurrection president…
Fun event
Eve Wingenroth of Balinafad and Madison Boivin of Erin, both 9, were on hand on Saturday for the…
Hospital help
The Arthur Lions Club hosted several barbecue fundraisers to raise money for Groves Memorial…
Foundation donation
RBC sponsored a hole at the recent Arthur Lions Club golf tournament. The donation was part of a…
Cyclists donate to food bank
The Centre Wellington Food Bank received a $5,270 donation from the Newton Eastwood Dietrich…
Terry”s walk
Krystle Seehaver, left, and Barb Stortz get ready to participate in the Terry Fox Run Sunday in…
LEFT: Jim DeBock celebrates 35 years of coaching and is seen cutting a cake prepared by Amy Witzel…
Fair gets rolling with “Wheels” theme featuring new Demolition Derby Cross
"The Grand Valley Agricultural Society is now 141 years old and the "Wheels' of time are moving…
Drayton area man named executive director of charity
Dan Driedger will be MennoHomes' new executive director effective Oct.…
Fair ambassadors benefit from experience
The ambassador competition is always a highlight of any rural fair, and Grand Valley is no…
Correction: Author incorrectly identified
The author of a new cook book was incorrectly identified in an article on page 3 of the Sept. 6…
Centre Wellington brings back passport program for Culture Days Sept. 27 to 28
Get ready to be the ultimate hometown tourist. Elora Fergus Tourism and the Township of Centre…