Stewart Skinner was nominated as the official Ontario Liberal Party candidate for the next…
Race for the Children of Haiti on Oct. 19
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church HEARTS Group is hosting its annual Race for the Children of Haiti…
Art in the Church: The Nature of Erin
A themed, premier art show presented by the newly formed Erin Artists' Alliance showcases the work…
BBBS celebrates new location
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Centre Wellington, held an open house on Sept. 16, celebrating its new…
Ready to go
Cyclists prepare to take off from Forfar Park for the Fergus Terry Fox Run on Sept.…
Wellington North 2012 financial statement shows spending improvements
The township is coming off a strong year with a strong financial standing in 2012, according to its…
Raising funds
Alyssa Buchanan and Carlie McLean were busy selling commemorative T-shirts at Forfar Park during…
Delegation wants council to say “no” to accepting fill
Residents here have had their fill - of fill. In recent weeks, the town of Erin has received…
Fergus Fox Run
Runners take off from Forfar Park for the Fergus Terry Fox Run on Sept.…
GRCA: Workshop to help rural landowners manage trees
Rural landowners who want to learn more about planting and managing trees on their land can attend…
Fox Run family
The Rawn famiy of Fergus, from left: front, Kati, Harriston and Mason and back, Nicki and Mike,…
Dam to challenge decision not to collect fees
Township resident Jens Dam is planning to challenge council's decision not to recover $229,000 in…
School float
Students and staff were dressed for the fair's Barnyard Bonanza theme on the Minto Clifford School…
Golden Tree Awards
Past District Governor Lion Larry Wainwright, centre, Membership and Club Growth Team Leader, was…
Boot Hill Auto show and shine a popular draw
HL Hall of Famer Paul Coffey, back row right, joined Boot Hill Automotive Resurrection president…