Joe Oliver, M.P. Eglinton-Lawrence MP and the Federal Minister of Finance, attended three events in…
CW Chamber of Commerce events
The Centre Wellington Chamber of Commerce has a lot planned for the coming weeks…
Skills program helps aging workforce
Anne Ramsay, executive network director of Project Read, said jobs are shifting drastically, and…
New location
Greenwood Construction, a family owned and operated concrete and construction company, has opened a…
Curves hosting open house
Curves International, Inc., the largest chain of fitness centres for women in the world, has…
Business Milestones
Local businesses have celebrated a number of milestones in the past…
Winning window
Shannon Curran of Sew What, winner of the Fergus Scottish Festival Window Decorating Contest, with…
Acton Precast Concrete seeks zoning to expand operation in Town of Erin
Acton Precast is planning to enhance its operations here. At a recent public meeting, planner Sally…
Consul General offers thanks for Erin visit
It isn't often municipalities get thank-you letters, and it's even more unusual to get one from the…
MPP critical of “bloated” hydro pensions
A recently-released report commissioned by the provincial government has confirmed that hydro…
Alex Dolson, left, was the scholarship recipient of $1,000 from Ted Woods, president of Wellington…
à la mode
A "For Lease" sign in a storefront window, caught Jenn Landman's eye. With an education in…
Report: Business climate positive but workforce, internet are concerns
While the overall business climate in Mapleton is considered "very positive," local owners are…
It”s Cria-tion time at the alpaca farm!
At Royal Fortress Meadows, Trevor and Kimberley McKnight take great care and planning in their…
Seek local workers first
A discussion on a business expansion and retention survey in Wellington County and Mapleton took an…