ELORA – Elora Singers’ executive director, Laura Adlers, has been appointed an Officer of…
Arts & Entertainment
Fergus artist Sonia Day to hold mini-show at studio
On the fly – “Fishermen don’t find social distancing hard,” observes Fergus artist,…
Elora singers to hold first of four new concerts online on Nov. 15
ELORA – The Elora Singers Hope and Refuge concert premieres on YouTube on Nov. 14 at 8pm.…
Live stream event features Broadway and Mirvish stars to support the arts on Nov. 15 at 2pm
ELORA – An impressive list of high-profile Broadway, Mirvish, film and TV stars are coming…
Phil Irish paintings up for auction
ELORA – Elora artist Phil Irish is donating two paintings for an auction to support the Bruce…
Fergus family shares ‘creepy’ Halloween film
FERGUS – A local family is hoping its YouTube video will help spread some Halloween cheer, specifically during the COVID-19 pandemic.
ECFTA program for adults with disabilities receives Trillium grant
ELORA – Thanks to an Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) grant, the Elora Centre for the Arts (ECFTA) is expanding its Supportive Arts program for young adults with disabilities.
Elora Community Theatre to hold annual AGM virtually
CENTRE WELLINGTON – Elora Community Theatre (ECT) will be holding its Annual General Meeting…
Elora Centre for the Arts brings magazine article to life on the walls of the gallery
ELORA – Co-presented by the Elora Centre for the Arts and Art North Magazine (Scotland),…
AGG launches Lest We Forget: Featuring work of Charles Pachter
GUELPH – The Art Gallery of Guelph is presenting Lest We Forget, featuring the artwork of…
Weekend showings halted at Norgan Theatre in Palmerston
MINTO – The Norgan Theatre in Palmerston will temporarily halt weekend film showings due to poor attendance resulting from a lack of new-release films.
‘Man from Toronto’ scene filmed in Elora
ELORA – On the morning of Oct. 21, traffic was stopped intermittently on Mill and Metcalfe streets, as well as on the Jack R. MacDonald pedestrian bridge, as a drone filmed a scene for the movie 'The Man from Toronto'.
Magician escapes from straightjacket while suspended over Elora Gorge
ELORA – On Oct. 15, Guinness world record-holding escape artist Scott Hammell was suspended…
The Elora Singers present a reimagined concert season
ELORA – Reimagined. That’s how The Elora Singers are approaching the 2020/21 concert season.…
Elora Centre for the Arts hosts in-person workshop
ELORA – The Elora Centre for the Arts is holding an in-person workshop on the art of story…