Let's celebrate everything pumpkin! Come out for some Pumpkin Day fun on Oct. 12, from 10am to 1pm…
Arts & Entertainment
Oct. 7 Elora Poetry Centre events cancelled
Two Elora Poetry Centre events this weekend have been…
Apple Butter and Cheese Festival Sept. 26
Rain or shine, the annual Apple Butter and Cheese Festival here will take place on Sept 26. …
Guelph Dance Festival set
Organizers of the 16th annual Guelph Dance Festival are getting ready for four days of contemporary…
Paranormal investigators present findings at Ghosts of Minto Past
Initial results of a local investigation by a group of Wellington County ghost hunters were among…
Panto extended by popular demand
WATERLOO REGION – Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum, more panto dates extend the fun. Ticket sales for Jack and…