17th annual Starlight Gala leadership team helped make this year's event a…
Arts & Entertainment
Scottish Festival makes FEO top six list
Festivals and Events Ontario (FEO) has announced its list of six of the best outdoor sport…
Gala event
The Kentucky Derby arrived in Drayton for the 17th annual Starlight Gala benefitting the Palmerston…
Eden Mills Arts Festival
Eden Mills came alive for the village's 17th annual Arts Festival on May 27 and 28. The event…
2017 Elora & Fergus Animation Fund selects nature and culture based experiences
CENTRE WELLINGTON - Centre Wellington and Regional Tourism Organization Four (RTO4) launched the…
Let”s celebrate seniors in Centre Wellington
Every June Ontario celebrates Seniors' Month and this year is no exception in Centre…
10th year for Tutu in You
The 10th annual Planet Youth Extravaganza celebrated youth arts at the Elora Centre for the Arts on…
Elora Writers” Festival
Author Adrienne Kress read a portion of her book The Explorers at the Elora Writers' Festival on…
Surfin” Safari Coming To The Fergus Theatre
Get ready to have some "Fun, Fun, Fun" when Surfin' Safari: The Ultimate Beach Party Show comes to…
Dance time
It's dance recital time at Dance with Grace Dance Studios Inc, which means a chance for youngsters…
New Horizons Band celebrates 10th anniversary
The New Horizons Band Guelph celebrated its 10th Anniversary with a public concert on June 1 at…
Summer Celebration
Summer is just around the corner and the village of Erin was celebrating its arrival with the…
Bake, barbecue and garage sale
Erin United Church held a bake sale, barbecue and garage sale during the Summer Celebration on May…
Bouncy castle
Carter Barhydt enjoys the bouncy castle set up at Credit River Motor Co. as part of Erin's Summer…