The Arthur Legion will be planting a Vimy Oak Tree at 1pm on Canada Day at the Arthur Cenotaph. The…
Arts & Entertainment
Five years for Get in Touch for Hutch
The mental health advocacy group, Get in Touch for Hutch is in its fifth…
Lots of bears
Teddy bears were abound at the annual Teddy Bear Caper on June 17 on St. Andrew Street in Fergus.…
Celebrate Canada in Wellington North
Those driving through Arthur this year will notice the village take on its role as the most…
Shared stories
Six authors from Ontario and British Columbia held a book launch in May at the Wellington County…
Local Food Fest on this weekend
On June 25, everyone is invited to celebrate local food in Guelph and Wellington County on the…
Last day of school
Pranksters at Erin District High School changed the name to Erin "Strict" High School and mounted a…
Balloon art
Jacob Ladd of Drayton patiently waits for Bubbles the Clown's balloon creation at the Drayton…
Barn photographs featured at historical society gathering
Members of the Wellington County Historical Society held their 89th annual general meeting at the…
Canada”s war horses topic at Mapleton Historical Society AGM
The 2017 annual meeting of the Mapleton Historical Society featured Dr. Lisa Cox, who spoke on…
Two new museum exhibits explore the Grand River
Two exhibits explore the power of the Grand River this summer. The Grand River: Where the Smooth…
Clifford set to host annual truck show June 30 and July 1
Kenworth will be the featured truck at the Clifford Antique and Classic Truck Show hosted by the…
150 years plus featured at this year”s Doors Open
This year's Doors Open offers much more than just a self-guided tour " it will be a grand…
Pioneer Day
June 10 was Pioneer Day in Rockwood. The event featured demonstrations, games, food booths and a…