Alex Mustakas, Artistic Director of Drayton Entertainment, announced on July 11 the Dunfield…
Arts & Entertainment
One room schools in Guelph-Eramosa celebrated as part of Canada”s history
One room schools are a thing of the past but they are still remembered by the many students and…
Harriston Street Party set for Aug. 12
The Town of Minto is preparing for the third annual Harriston Street Party on Aug.…
Elora band to make Riverfest debut
Elora-based rock band Tipping Point will be hitting the Riverfest stage for the first time on Aug.…
Guild casting for Sleeping Beauty musical
The Grey Wellington Theatre Guild is seeking actors, singers and dancers from youths to adults for…
Drayton Entertainment”s Harvest reaps laughter and empathy
A scenic drive to the Drayton Festival Theatre, past beautiful farmlands and grassy pasture, helps…
Highland dance
Dancers from the Blue Bonnet Lassies School of Highland Dance competed at the Kincardine Scottish…
Fireworks festival a success
Lots of events at this year's Mount Forest Fireworks…
Fun in Fergus
Musical entertainment and bounce castles were among the attractions at a Family Fun Day held at the…
Spring Swing
The Victoria Park Seniors Centre recently held its Spring Swing Dance at the Elora Legion. Music…
Farewell open house held for Elora Gorge Cinema owners; new owners have local connection
While The Last Waltz may have been playing July 9, the show and the Elora Gorge Cinema will go…
Moorefield firefighters hosted a waterball competition, open to all ages, at the Canada 150…
Film festival video shot along Grand River in Fergus July 14
If you saw a drone flying above the Grand River in Fergus last week, it was another film shoot in…
Memorial wall honours Marden community and its first settlers
On July 8, Heritage Guelph/Eramosa unveiled the Marden Heritage Wall honouring the 1827 McDonald…