In 2017, Guelph Arts Council and the University of Guelph School of Fine Art and Music have…
Arts & Entertainment
Pirates descended on Marden Park
Arrr, matey - Pirates took over Marden Park for the annual Pirate Festival over the Civic Holiday…
Scottish Festival and Highland Games return
The Fergus Scottish Festival and Highland Games will celebrate 72 years of Celtic contributions to…
The pirates are coming to Marden Park
The Pirate Festival is coming to Marden Park from Aug. 5 to…
Hollywood star to headline Death of a Salesman at St. Jacobs Country Playhouse
The tranquil village of St. Jacobs will become Hollywood North this fall with the arrival of an…
Cash in your chips at St. Jacobs Country Playhouse
Where there's a will, there's a way. Or so goes the old proverb, which takes on entirely new…
“Big Flush” raises $2,500 for Big Brothers Big Sisters
Last week, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Centre Wellington (BBBS) rolled out its "Big Flush"…
Inspired artists
Youngsters created masterpieces inspired by the works of Canadian artists at the Drayton library…
Car show a hit in Erin
The Small Town Style car show is a labour of love for Clayton Lovell and his friends. Owners of…
Plot twists, turns drive pace of One for the Pot
Drayton Entertainment has brought to the stage one of Britain's finest farces. Opening night of One…
As part of the Fergus Pipe Band's 90th anniversary a family picnic was held on July 30 by members…
Local dance students may audition for Ballet Jörgen”s The Nutcracker
Canada's Ballet Jörgen's The Nutcracker returns to River Run Centre on Dec. 20 and 21 at…
Rising star
Madison Galloway, 17, of Fergus, is competing in the Canadian National Exhibition's annual Rising…