Santa Claus is gearing up for his annual run through Mapleton, with stops at Christmas parades in…
Arts & Entertainment
Timely purchase
Denise DeWeerd purchased a decorative clock from Rita Rumph, Jolene Hiddema, Nadya Kraal and…
Lucky draw
Nolan Scholten takes a turn at finding the lucky key that will unlock the door at the Community…
Christmas House Tour
LEFT: Shirley Droog shows off her Christmas village in her Oakview Crescent home as part of the…
Erin host annual Window Wonderland
Quin Levac, 2, of Caledon East, seemed to enjoy one of the windows revealed at the annual Window…
Guelph Chamber Choir and Bells Ablaze to perform Carols for Christmas
The Guelph Chamber Choir is ringing in the Christmas season with the bell choir Bells Ablaze at an…
Holiday classic at the Fergus Grand Theatre
Elora Community Theatre starts its 45th season with A Christmas Carol. The classic Christmas story…
Broken but Beautiful
Local author Juanita Pero has published a new book, Broken but Beautiful. It is a book of…
Theatre casting Terms of Endearment
The Grey Wellington Theatre Guild is casting for Terms of…
Window Wonderland fun
Window Wonderland - Erin village held its annual Window Wonderland and Christmas tree lighting…
Annual Elora Santa Claus Parade set for Nov. 25
Christmas comes but once a year, with the parade of brilliant festive lights that last us all…
Grand Theatre showcased improvements at gala
On Nov. 15, the Fergus Grand Theatre opened the doors to the public, and did what it does best "…
Parade lights up Harriston
Santa arrives - Clockwise from left: The Candyland Express carried youngsters through the Harriston…
Drayton youths part of charity show choir
Drayton residents Willy and Emily Smart will once again be part of the youth chorus for Guse…