It's not very often that a nine-piece band fills the stage at the Fergus Grand Theatre but on June…
Arts & Entertainment
McPherson and Lichtenberg to perform in Guelph
In 2017, Guelph's Andrew McPherson and Toronto-based Lenka Lichtenberg first joined forces when…
Cool Cones in Harriston
The Minto Cultural Roundtable and the Harriston Downtown Revitalization Committee unveiled the…
Insights Juried Art Exhibition returns to Wellington County Museum
The Insights Juried Art Exhibition will be returning to the Wellington County Museum and Archives…
Kiss and Cry playing at the Gorge Cinema
Kiss and Cry, a romantic drama based on the true story of Carley Allison, a promising 18-year-old…
Lions kick off 80th anniversary celebration with dedication of Merv Weber Playground
The Mount Forest Lions kicked off their 80th anniversary on Saturday by officially the designating…
Maurice Audet celebrates 105th birthday
Maurice Audet, the oldest person in Palmerston (and probably most of the region) celebrated his…
Rockwood Rocks Music Festival was a rocking success
The Rockwood Rocks Music Festival joined the Rockwood Farmers' Market for a pre-season taster on…
Antique cars take over the Fergus Sportsplex over weekend
Car show - The Historical Automobile Society Antique Car Show and Sale took place at the Centre…
100th birthday
At the June 5 Rotary Club of Fergus and Elora meeting members celebrated Marguerite Ibbotson 100th…
Splash pad puzzle
Giant puzzle - Members of the Mapleton Splash Pad committee spent many hours at the Drayton…
Two generations working together
Grandmothers of the Grand Ontario and The Door (Highlands Youth For Christ) are partnering for a…
Clifford Community Meals on Wheels hosts fundraising yard sale on June 2
Spring cleaning is one of those happy chores that brings a ray of sunshine and a warming breeze…
Save Our Water offers a two hour bus ride touring wells throughout Centre Wellington
Save Our Water is offering a two hour bus ride visiting eight wells, five in Fergus and three in…
Ballinafad couple Mary and Stanley Baldwin have taken home a seven-figure prize after winning the…