In celebration of Wightman's 110th anniversary, the Wellington County Museum and Archives' newest…
Arts & Entertainment
Pirate Festival at Marden Park
Demonstration - Blacksmith Ryan Leis of Palmerston demonstrated his craft at the annual Pirate…
Cruisin” Classics heads to Drayton Festival Theatre
Get ready for a fun rock "n' roll musical celebration featuring classic hits of the Baby Boomer…
Celebration in Harriston
Celebration in Harriston - The Harriston Street Party and Canada Packers Reunion drew large crowds…
Twilight at Templin Gardens free concert leads into Fergus Scottish Festival weekend
Feel the music - Albannach pumps up the Celtic spirit on Aug. 8 at the Twilight at Templin Gardens…
Pipes, Plaid and Pageantry Parade – Same tradition, different route
The annual "Pipes, Plaid and Pageantry" Parade kicks off an amazing weekend of Scottish…
Drayton Fair held Aug. 10 to 12
Drayton Fair - The 162nd Drayton Fair took place from Aug. 10 to…
Wellington County fire departments take part in annual FFAO convention
Some Wellington County fire departments took part last week in the annual convention of the Fire…
It”s a Party in the Rockmosa Park on Aug. 2
Guelph-Eramosa held its second annual Party in the Park at Rockmosa Park in Rockwood on Aug. 2.…
Summer swingers
Enjoying some fun on the swings on a warm afternoon at Kinsmen Park in Drayton on Aug. 2 were, from…
Pirate performers in Marden
The annual Pirate Festival was held at Marden Park over the Civic Holiday weekend. The event…
Town crier Andrew Welch declared provincial champion
Here's something to shout about ... on July 28, Erin's official town crier was declared the 2018…
Feeling peachy on Aug. 18?
The Victoria Park Seniors Centre is getting its peach on " at the annual Peach Social on Aug. 18.…
Scottish band Dàimh coming to Fergus on Aug. 31
Scottish band Dàimh will be performing at the Fergus Grand Theatre on Aug. 31 at 8pm. The band has…
Arts & Agri-Culture Fiesta! Uniting arts and agriculture
Twenty two selected artists, including John McGill (Fergus), Susan Powell (Erin/Hillsburgh) and…