DRAYTON – Mapleton council has approved a sole-source quotation from Viking Cives for two new tandem axle plow dump trucks.
Community News
Township lends support to bill to protect farmers and food supply
KENILWORTH - Wellington North agrees with the Wellington Federation of Agriculture (WFA), which sought municipal support for Bill 156, the Security from Trespass and Protecting Food Safety Act.
Memories of Wellington North – 02/20/20
72 years ago, Drayton Advocate, 1948 “Glenardie Beauty,” a valuable col-lie dog belonging to…
GRCA, foundation offering grants for school and community projects
CAMBRIDGE - Applications are being accepted for grants for schoolyard and community environmental projects offered by the Grand River Conservation Authority and the Grand River Conservation Foundation.
Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto highlighted as Cultural Moment by township council
KENILWORTH – Wellington North council’s Cultural Moment for February celebrated Our Lady of…
Dinner generates donations
Dinner donatons – Dave and Jean Anderson recently distributed funds raised at their annual…
Auxiliary hosts euchre
PALMERSTON – A Challenge Euchre was hosted by the Palmerston Legion Ladies Auxiliary on Feb.…
Mental Health Awareness Night aims to de-stigmatize mental health issues
MOUNT FOREST - Mental health advocate and former Team Canada hockey player Kendra Fisher will be guest speaker at a coming event here aimed at de-stigmatizing mental health issues.
Pettapiece, Shreiner paired on TVO’s Political Blind Date
PERTH-WELLINGTON – Perth-Wellington MPP Randy Pettapiece says he used his appearance on an…
Editorial: Time to stop cutting conservation funds
It’s frustrating to watch as a provincial government that’s doing its best to do nothing at all…
January building fees in Mapleton beat township’s three-year average
DRAYTON – Fees collected by the Mapleton building department are above the three year average,…
Drayton native Victoria Rumph chasing Olympic softball dream
HALIFAX – Victoria Rumph has been representing her country on softball fields around the globe since 2013.
Drayton’s Rourke Martin headed to international hockey tournament
DRAYTON – A local hockey player is going to make his international debut in Las Vegas this spring.
Saint Patrick’s euchre party in Kenilworth on March 15
KENILWORTH – A Saint Patrick’s euchre party is being held at Sacred Heart Church,…