Caressant Care Fergus long-term care home wins award

Caressant Care Fergus has been named the Ontario Long Term Care Association’s Culture Change Home of the Year at a ceremony in Toronto as part of the Ontario Long Term Care Association’s 2nd annual Quality and Innovation Awards Gala.

The home was nominated for the award by current residents for the efforts and success in creating a home-like environment, enhancing the quality of life and honouring resident voice and choice.

Administrator Cathy Cook joined Fergus eight years ago and slowly went to work making a number of small changes that would soon grow into bigger changes, eventually leading to a huge cultural shift.

Cook says she is proud to say “the home has completely changed the culture. Fergus honours residents’ choices and enhances their quality of life by focusing on them as individuals rather than ‘patients.’

“Management joins residents during meals and they keep an open door policy for residents and staff, creating a much more home-like environment.”

Caressant Care president Jim Lavelle says improving the culture in Fergus has been a long but steady process that is illustrated by this award.

“The Fergus and area community is proud of the home, staff turnover is minimal, and the home has a waiting list to get in. I couldn’t be more pleased and proud with what the management and staff have accomplished.”

Caressant Care has been providing quality care to its residents since 1975. We now own and operate fifteen Long Term Care Homes and ten Retirement Homes across Ontario with our Corporate Office located in Woodstock, Ontario.

