Caressant Care celebrates Harriston volunteers

Activities assistant Jaylene Roswell hosted a volunteer appreciation luncheon on April 20 at Caressant Care Nursing Home in Harriston.

“Volunteering has no destination; the roads you can take are endless. Because we value your help, dedication and loyalty, we want to say thank you,” she told the group.

Following the Canada 150 theme, tables were set with red and white paper flowers.  Thirty-five volunteers, staff, and residents enjoyed lunch and were served dessert by new director of nursing Judy Llamido.

Roswell hoped everyone would consider entering the national 150 Challenge and volunteer 150 hours of time during the year in honour of Canada’s 150th birthday.

Jaylene presented Bonnie Whitehead with a lifetime volunteer award stating, “since 1990, she has done tons of different things and looks after the toonie table at the bazaars and goes on shopping trips and outings.”

Guest speaker Cathy Cook shared the story of her 31-year career path that led to her new position as administrator.

She said volunteers are priceless, have heart, are “love in motion,” and mean the world to Caressant Care residents.

Residents Nancy Ellis and Fred Piper expressed appreciation to the volunteers who give so much of their time to visit and help with the programs.
