CANWEA: Moratorium not warranted

Calls for a moratorium on wind energy development pending results of a Health Canada study are not warranted because the balance of scientific and medical evidence to date clearly concludes that sound from wind turbines does not adversely impact human health, says the Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA).

“The vast majority of Canadians choose wind energy as a top source for clean and safe new electricity,”  said Chris Forrest, CanWEA’s vice president of communications.

“When discussing an issue as important as our energy future we must look at the facts. It is clear that the balance of research and experience to date – including hundreds of thousands of people living and working near wind turbines in 89 countries around the world – concludes that wind energy does not adversely impact human health.”

CanWEA states these conclusions are backed by a growing body of work, including reports by Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, the National Public Health Institute in Quebec, and most recently by an expert panel report to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and the Department of the Environment.

According to Dr. Robert Oliphant, president and CEO of the Asthma Society of Canada, “In all forms, renewable energy is a safe and healthy alternative to fossil fuels.”

“Wind energy is broadly understood to be one of the safest and most environmentally friendly forms of electricity generation around the world,” said Forrest.

“The wind energy industry is working collaboratively with all levels of government and stakeholders to ensure jobs, investments and affordable clean energy continue flowing into communities across the country. A moratorium would prevent thousands of individuals, landowners and dozens of municipalities and First Nations groups from participating in the clean energy economy.”

He added CanWEA continues to work with governments and scientific and medical experts to review all new credible information on the subject of wind energy and human health.
